Thoughts from the President

January 10, 2025 - Three Advances from Center Research Teams

Dear Danforth Center Community,

Danforth Center scientists publish over 100 research articles describing discoveries and ideas each year. These are each important team and research program milestones. The problem is, most articles are published in highly technical scientific journals, meaning they are largely beyond the grasp of scientists outside of the authors’ fields and the public. My periodic synopses of selected, recent articles are intended for everyone to better understand and appreciate these important contributions by Center scientists and their collaborators. Let’s have a look at three more today.

Bertolini E, Manjunath M, Ge W, Murphy MD, Inaoka M, Fliege C, Eveland AL, and Lipka AE (2024). Genomic prediction of cereal crop architectural traits using models informed by gene regulatory circuitries from maize. Genetics,

The Eveland team has been analyzing the networks of genes that control plant architectural traits, like leaf angle and branching patterns. These are critical traits because they determine how dense a crop can be planted; densely plant corn, for example, enables higher productivity per acre. Here, they used predictive modeling with extensive genomic and phenotypic data to reveal similarities or differences between the networks controlling architecture in maize and other plants, including sorghum (similar) or rice (different).

Nboyine JA, Umar ML, Adazebra GA, Utono IM, Agrengsore P, Awuku FJ, Ishiyaku MF, Barrero JM, Higgins TJV, and MacKenzie DJ (2024). Assessment of field performance and bruchid resistance during seed storage of genetically modified cowpea expressing the alpha-amylase inhibitor 1 protein from common bean. Frontiers in Plant Science,

Don MacKenzie and collaborators are seeking to develop new varieties of cowpea with resistance to a destructive post-harvest pest, the cowpea weevil, which can cause 100% loss of grain in storage. The team introduced the alpha-amylase 1 protein from common bean into cowpea, and in field and post-harvest trials showed that the resulting plants were remarkably resistant to weevil infestation for at least four months in storage. Combined with resistance to cowpea pod borer, which the team brought to market in Nigeria and Ghana, this advance paves the way to addressing two of the most significant cowpea pests in West Africa.

Godwin J, Djami-Tchatchou AT, Velivelli SLS, Tetorya M, Kalunke R, Pokhrel A, Zhou M, Buchko GW, Czymmek KJ, and Shah DM (2024). Chickpea NCR13 disulfide cross-linking variants exhibit profound differences in antifungal activity and modes of action. PLoS Pathogens, doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1012745.

The Shah and Czymmek teams continue their productive collaboration on small anti-microbial peptides from plants to understand factors that contribute to potency and mode of action against fungal pathogens. A chickpea peptide, NCR13, was found to adopt two different structural conformations that differed greatly in antifungal activities, leading to key insights that inform how to design and produce more effective and sustainable alternatives to chemical fungicides.

Jim Carrington,
President and Chief Executive Officer

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