Committee for Scientific Training and Mentoring
The Committee for Scientific Training and Mentoring exists to bring career training and development opportunities to the scientific staff within the Danforth Center, foster a sense of community through scientific discussions and social functions, and facilitate communication throughout all levels of the center. Every non-PI scientific employee that joins the DDPSC community is automatically a CSTM member and is welcome to participate in all CSTM hosted events and make use of all CSTM resources.
One of the great things about being in CSTM is that you get to listen to what your community needs and organize to meet those needs
Kong Wong, Post Doctoral Associate,
2022 CSTM Co-Chair

CSTM Events
- BioBash is an annual career networking and job fair event for young scientists. BioBash aims to educate and bring together the scientific community in St. Louis and discuss the broad range of career opportunities in life sciences. Scientists at all levels of their fields are invited to join! Read more and register for BioBash 2024.
- Lunch discussions with invited seminar speakers.
Career Training
- Resume workshop
- Career fair prep workshop
- Networking and negotiation workshop
- Social/networking events
- Travel awards: Three times per year, CSTM offers grants to help cover the costs of trainees to travel to conferences, and pay registration fees for in-person or virtual training experiences like workshops and non-degree courses
2024 CSTM Co-Chairs

Seth Edwards
Graduate Student
Slotkin Lab

Myia Elliott
Senior Laboratory Technician
Carrington Lab

Vanessica Jawahir
Postdoctoral Associate
Nusinow Lab

Dhiraj Srivastava
Data Scientist I

Lily O'ConnorĀ
CSTM Outreach and Responsible Conduct of Research Chair
Graduate Student
Meyers Lab